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in fact, I can read fluently english, especially manuals (most of the programming-related documents are in english), but I also read books (when the french translation isn't ready).
Writing is different 'cuz I do a lot of mistakes, but most of you may understand the meanings Smile

What? a little voice in my head said "you're french, why do you use the international section?"
my answer is, and will always be: "SYFM!!!" Tongue
lol could you learn me what is SYFM ?! Big Grin

you know, it's also the same for me : I'm french Tongue
SYFM = "peux tu te taire stp" (mais en beaucoup moins poli)
shoot your f***in' mother ? loool
don't shout but shut...
and leave my mother alone, think about your mouth Smile
yeah it was almost that ... don't cry Tongue
My favorite English sentence is: "The Duck Says Quack Quack" Ridiculous isn't it ? ok i'm out... :sortie:
i just want to know if i can speak french in this section? :humour:
french is international, you can Smile
oh yeah of course i'm teuber :sortie:
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